Sunday 12 September 2010

For those of you who know me.. know many things about me - like, I don't wear a watch, I like having tea every day at 10:30am, and I was 2 years old when I had my first sip of whisky. Okaaay, maybe you don't know any of that, but here is one thing you most definitely know - I don't cook.

However, this has changed since moving to HK. I now cook everyday... (every other day at least :P). And here is proof:

Breakfast: Sausages, carrots and asparagus

Lunch: Grilled chicken (marinated in olive oil and mint leaves) with carrots, and jackfuit

Dinner: Stuffed Artichoke, and, stir-fried beef with sun-dried tomatoes

There! You know me a little better now. :)

Sunday 5 September 2010

Can't Stop Laughing

We've seen a lot of (and laughed our heads off at) Chinglish/Hinglish signs...almost to the point of it becoming a cliche. But really couldn't help putting this one up - the footballer and I found this on the first page of a menu at a restaurant in Taipei.

Seriously? They really couldn't think of more appropriate ways to manage their non-Chinese speaking clientele?

Tuesday 22 June 2010


I was researching sea horses on google and this picture showed up as one of the first hits under 'images'...isn't it adorable??

Saturday 10 April 2010

An egg with my tea?

Sure, why not? But an egg soaked in black tea, along with soy sauce and spices? Not so much.

It's a common snack here in Taiwan, commonly referred to as the Chinese tea egg. You will find it in every 7/11 you walk into over here. Honestly, the contents don't sound bad at all. I mean it's just tea and spices, with your egg (much easier to digest than some of other food we get around here). It's just the visual effect that puts me off - it almost looks rotten. So it's not for me - but if you are adventurous with food you should surely give it a try when you get the chance.

Monday 1 March 2010

At a certain government office.....

Lunch is served with a portion of 'Gossip Girl'

And a post-lunch game of cards

Saturday 27 February 2010

How ironic would it be if the message said "save electricity" instead?

At first I thought it would be hilariously ironic if the 101 were to state that we need to save electricity. But apparently the building is making an effort to become more "green" (perhaps in an effort to reclaim fame in the form of the 'tallest green building' as it loses the 'tallest building' title)

Thursday 25 February 2010

Do not Judge a Restaurant by its Cover

You may not expect much from a restaurant called 'Two Peck', but their cheese fries surely made my day at work a little more bearable.

Saturday 16 January 2010

Details, Details, Details

DETAIL WE PAID ATTENTION TO - Take-aways for the guests: Packets of plant seeds packed in jute bags (that were custom designed and ordered). Each of the bags were tagged with a little thank you note (thanks to Smith and my sister, Shabs for helping with this) and my sister also took on the painful task of attaching fabric flowers to each of the bags.
DETAIL WE DID NOT PAY ATTENTION TO - Take-aways for the guests: Keeping some aside for the immediate family and friends who will not be leaving early and therefore probably will not reach the exit early enough to take one of these away.

DETAIL WE PAID ATTENTION TO - Flip-flops for the girls so they could actually throw away those painful heels and get comfortable on the dance floor, or use at the beach for the after-party.
DETAIL WE DID NOT PAY ATTENTION TO - Making sure that all the baskets containing flip-flops got unloaded from the car.

DETAIL WE PAID ATTENTION TO - The suit for the groom, the dress for the bride, the ties for the groomsmen and the dresses for the bridesmaids.
DETAIL WE DID NOT PAY ATTENTION TO - Bringing the rings to church. Ooops!! :P
Photo credits: Shabri & Sushma