Sunday 5 September 2010

Can't Stop Laughing

We've seen a lot of (and laughed our heads off at) Chinglish/Hinglish signs...almost to the point of it becoming a cliche. But really couldn't help putting this one up - the footballer and I found this on the first page of a menu at a restaurant in Taipei.

Seriously? They really couldn't think of more appropriate ways to manage their non-Chinese speaking clientele?


  1. OMG. I need to know where is this restaurant?!

  2. that's a difficult one to answer coz someone took us there. Do you know where Kozy Kozy, the Italian place, is in Zhonhxiao? This one was on the tiny alley that is perpendicular to Kozy Kozy. Basically in the Zhongxiao Dunhua area...if that is of any use. This place served French food and they only did set menus.

  3. Hey ! I did not know you had a blog! quite cool.. This stuff is so funny I can imagine you laugh till stomach hurt! How's HK treating you? The names of these places are such tongue twisters!!

  4. Tony! I've had this blog for the longest time now. Ofcourse Im not as it comes and goes...and also I only started being more public with it only a few months ago when FB notes came around.
