Sunday 12 September 2010

For those of you who know me.. know many things about me - like, I don't wear a watch, I like having tea every day at 10:30am, and I was 2 years old when I had my first sip of whisky. Okaaay, maybe you don't know any of that, but here is one thing you most definitely know - I don't cook.

However, this has changed since moving to HK. I now cook everyday... (every other day at least :P). And here is proof:

Breakfast: Sausages, carrots and asparagus

Lunch: Grilled chicken (marinated in olive oil and mint leaves) with carrots, and jackfuit

Dinner: Stuffed Artichoke, and, stir-fried beef with sun-dried tomatoes

There! You know me a little better now. :)

Sunday 5 September 2010

Can't Stop Laughing

We've seen a lot of (and laughed our heads off at) Chinglish/Hinglish signs...almost to the point of it becoming a cliche. But really couldn't help putting this one up - the footballer and I found this on the first page of a menu at a restaurant in Taipei.

Seriously? They really couldn't think of more appropriate ways to manage their non-Chinese speaking clientele?